A Message of Compassion and Solidarity

A community in Nairobi's Kware slum Mukuru Kwa Njenga is struggling to deal with an unexpected discovery. The tragically abandoned quarry in Kware housed the bodies of young ladies whose lives had been cut short. We've all been hit by the news, which has brought to light the vulnerability of life and the depths of human wickedness.

Simply imagine the horrification experienced by anyone who walked into these scenes, bodies wrapped in sacks, dumped in garbage areas. Everybody conveys a distinct story of a life cut short, unrealized goals, and families split apart by unimaginable pain. Eight ladies who lost their lives and had their futures taken in a way that is incomprehensible among the victims.

As the Directorate of Criminal Investigations and law enforcement work tirelessly to uncover the truth, our thoughts turn to the families and loved ones left behind. To them, we extend our deepest condolences and unwavering support. No words can express the pain of such loss, but in our collective sorrow, may you find some comfort knowing that you are not alone.

To the investigators and rescue teams on the ground, we commend your bravery and dedication in the pursuit of justice. Your efforts are not unnoticed, and we stand with you in seeking answers and accountability for those who have been taken from us.

Let us hold to our compassion as we handle these terrible experiences. Let's adore our loved ones and show support for our communities. Together, we can fight for a future in which tragedies like these are only distant memories in order to honor the memory of those who were lost.

May we find courage in the midst of grief. May we discover hope even in the face of sorrow. And may we find comfort and healing in our shared humanity

By Dorcas Kinya


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