Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) Take Over Your Job?

With the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, it's normal to experience reluctance or even worry about the possible effects. AI is rightfully hailed as a tremendously potent technology with the potential to revolutionize corporate practices and even prompt societies to consider important issues like ethics, privacy, and the nature of humanity. But right now, you might be thinking, "Will AI replace my job?"

Indeed, many jobs have already been displaced by robots and automation technologies. As a result of automation, roughly 1.7 million manufacturing jobs have been lost since 2000. However, more than merely a switch from humans to computers in the workplace is expected to result from the development of AI. 97 million new jobs might be created by AI by 2025, according to predictions.

Indeed, automation and robotics technologies have already eliminated countless occupations. Since 2000, around 1.7 million manufacturing jobs have been destroyed as a result of automation. However, it is anticipated that the growth of AI will have an impact on the workplace beyond a simple shift away from humans to computers. AI may result in the creation of 97 million new jobs by 2025, according to projections.

It's doubtful that AI will suddenly make workers in these fields and occupations unemployed. Instead, anticipate a gradual transition from businesses; despite the astonishing power of AI technology even today, keep in mind that organizations run the danger of drastically changing how they operate when they introduce automation. It's likely that businesses will experiment with robot assistance before gradually eliminating jobs and, eventually, tasks.




8 months ago


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